What I Do
photo by Annie Dell’Isola
I have the privilege of having many conversations on lots of days with new people that I have not met before, or those I have not seen in a while. Very often they ask the question “What do you do?” As I begin to describe my coaching business, I start with “I am a leadership coach.” Sometimes there is an “Oh” or “What is that?” returned, but in any event my next statement is then “I help leaders find the secret to success.”
To be completely honest and to share a secret, it is really quite hard to describe exactly what I do. It would be like asking me to describe the Mona Lisa and hearing me say it is a beautiful painting of a mysterious lady. While true, that explanation does not fully describe the amazing technique and execution used to give the masterpiece an appearance that only each viewer can see based on their own perspective.
Yes, I utilize coaching skills and techniques I learned from my experience and training. I make use of tools and systems from my IPEC certification, leveraging the research and writing of Bruce D. Schneider and others. I also employ systems and processes compiled from my own research and deep experience.
But what I really do is listen deeply to my clients own unique story and perspective and help them bring out learnings from themselves that they did not know they possessed or could not previously find. I help them think about what it is they genuinely want and examine what is blocking them from achieving those things sooner rather than later, or at all.
The kinds of things I hear from people I coach are “I never thought of that” or “I guess there is no real reason I can’t move forward” or “That is a really great question!” I also hear “Thank you for helping me finally follow through on that.” So, what I really do is listen for the truth in what people have deep in their spirit, that for whatever reason is hiding in a place they cannot or will not see, and help people hold their own accountability to follow up on that truth.
Let me know if you would like to connect and talk. We can discuss art. We can discuss your business or career. We can talk about life. You can talk, and I will listen and hear!