
In the past two years I have heard people say things to recognize that although it has taken us hundreds of years in America to recognize that all diverse types of people can lead, at least we are finally having some successes.  We are hearing more “firsts” in filling leadership roles in business, government, education, and religion.  These are initial steps, but at least they are happening.

Yes, we still hear also about separatist and exclusionist actions, policies, and beliefs, but despite this there is progress.  With continued learning and experience, we will all get better at inclusive practices in every aspect of our life.  Fear that grasps those who want things to stay separate will slowly begin to abate.  Learnings and growth will continue.

With inclusive and diverse thought and actions, our capabilities only increase.  We bring multiple perspectives to solve problems and find solutions to our shared challenges.  In any organism or organization, diversity equals strength, power, and success.  Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) efforts are happening at an increasing pace. Those that resist and protect a sole source of energy eventually narrow so far that they choke themselves off.  It may be easier to get started and they may get initial quick wins, but over time they implode.

The most successful investors diversify their holdings.  A lucky few get a big win by a single holding, but they ultimately spread that over a wide range of assets to protect and hold it. 

As diverse leaders, and leaders looking to include a wider set of influences on our businesses and organizations, let’s be sure to continue to look at diversity with a wide lens.  Yes, for certain, racial and gender diversity are critical for our continued success.  But let us not stop there.

Great ideas and powerful leadership can come from people that are different in other ways too.  Age, educational background, regional location, parental status, gender identification, mental health status, working hours preference, working location preference, hairstyle, body shape, pet status, body art, relationships…. the list goes on and on.

The bottom line is those we need may not look or sound like us.  But the path to diverse success of the future includes a wide swath of needed and highly capable talent.



Groundhog Day!


Happy New Year!