Spring to Summer

Spring is about to end and roll into summer.  This spring that we waited so long to begin is now about to fade away.  We are reminded again that the bright hope that comes with spring, begins to mellow, and slow as we approach the sweltering summer months.  Those beautiful flowers that began to pop into their color are fading and turning gardens into a mass of green.  The birds that came bursting out of their nests and bringing on new babies are getting ready soon to stay cool out of the hot midday sun.

It is inevitable that the eagerness for spring fades and mellows just a bit at this time of year.  The summer gives us all a chance to slow down a little, and maybe even get away or get a rest.   Our energy may need renewal after a season of sturdy growth and new possibility.

At times, the summer seems long.  The hot days drive us to seek cool relief in any way we can.  We might linger inside air-conditioned spaces or find breezes in the hills or at the beach.  We think about novel places and new people as we start to take a little break.

Soon enough the autumn will be near, and a time to start the rebirth and renewal process that is inevitable, once again will come.  It is a cycle that we cannot break, and it is representative of so much we do in our businesses, careers, and personal lives.  Innovative ideas and opportunities burst forth like spring.  We pursue them energetically, and often that journey tires us and wears us down.  We may need “summer” time in these pursuits as well, as we settle into a new pattern and even relax a bit. 

Then we get ready for the start of the rebirth process as we redefine our plans, refine our approach, and begin to get ready for the next new spring that is yet ahead.  I hope this coming summer gives you a chance to rest, recharge, refocus and get ready for the energy of the autumn renewal that will begin before we know it as we continue to drive on forward.


Rested and Recharged


Memorial Day